This picture of Freddy Sanchez in Spring Training I think is the second best one of him. I chose to edit this one because I wanted to practice a few things in Photoshop on this one.
This picture of John was a favorite of mine. I did cheat a little however because, if you look carefully, his left foot had been cropped out so I added some sky and cropped him a new foot. Its a little goofy looking if you know what your looking fore.
This is at Shollenberger Park near my house in CA. This is of a man walking his dog. I didn't know this but we actually knew him! He is a friend of my mom's through the scouts and has actually known my family for a while. I did crop out a man standing on the right of the path taking pictures and a few poles and posts. pretty darn good job at it though.
My last photo here was taken on the overlook of the Golden Gate Bridge. This couple is standing at the end of a long dark tunnel that takes your through the mountain to a viewing point out toward the Pacific. The view is really something. To be honest, I think this is sort of a dull picture. I want to go back and try this again. I found myself not really knowing what I wanted to do with this. Effect-wise and light-wise.